Monday, December 1, 2008

Where have all the Leaders gone?

Recent few days have been miserable for not only the citizens of Bombay
or India but for everyone. I believe, and also hope at the same time that my belief is true, that no person in this world would enjoy the site of people being killed mercilessly. As the days pass by there are many questions that are raising in everyone's mind. What has happened? How did it happen? Why did it happen? What can be done? What action to take? Whom to blame? etc etc. The questions are seriously countless. You cannot have a stopping to this.

Everyone wants to do something against it. I totally respect everyone’s feelings and also feel happy that people really want to change things. There are mainly two schools of thoughts: One that says we need to change things and are looking at ways to do that and another one feeling nothing can be changed its going to be the same. Both the set of people keep fighting against each other spending time in arguing over various issues sticking to their principal belief. I don't see negative in this situation. I don't want to blame the first ones by saying: How can we make changes or what actions can be taken? Neither do I want to question others why do you feel nothing is going to change? What makes me happy is that we forget that all the people do feel pain and are thinking a lot about the matter. Whether they are thinking about bringing about changes or whether they have evaluated entire situation and feel that its a such a mess that nothing can change. These thoughts in all the people show that we do have people who care and have energy to bring about something. What really surprises me and is the question way above in my mind is Where have all the leaders gone?

To put some perspective we need to walk back in history and remember certain events.

1893: One man was traveling in train and was thrown from first class compartment even though he had a ticket and was also beaten down. People there were fighting to stop one bill which took away power of voting from non whites. These people got leadership of this beaten down Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and could successfully over turn the bill.

1963: With the hope that they can stop the discrimination that the black people had faced in America for generations people marched to Washington under the leadership of one man Martin Luther King claiming I have a Dream.

1969: Vietnam war was going and people wanted to make a statement about their feeling. One newly married couple John and Yoko took the opportunity of the bed-in honeymoon by singing Give peace a chance. This statement very much reflected that feeling.

I can go on and on with many many such events. This list will never stop but what point I want to make is this isn't the first time that the conditions of our society has deteriorated. We have seen bad times and will see them in future too. But what I feel today is the lack of leaders. Do we have today people who can really lead and guide the public anguish and channel them into proper action. Every order of society has preciously participated in leading the people whether it is in politics, music, films, social service, sports etc. But today we really don't find those leaders in the required numbers. So again I come to my point is there are people who want to do something. People who are thinking about bringing the change. And what we need are the leaders who can help about bringing this change.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Uncle Sam: Welcome to African-American House

From the last 3 days and I know this will continue for many more days we have been seeing on our newspaper about the American Presidential Election. After reading about it so much I had to give it respect. Well almost on every page of the newspaper we had news about this with interviews from Barack Obama or John McCain. And today with Obama’s victory the newspaper i.e. DNA dedicated 9 full pages out of 22 in the main supplement. Even the Business and Page 3 was not left behind. I seriously don’t understand the hype that media is creating about this. What do they want to prove? Ok I do understand that he being the first African-American President makes a big statement. But does this require so much hype? Can’t we do away with a page or two? Or is there shortage of news? Quality news by Indian standards. I want back:
1. Raj Thackeray hitting Bhaiyyas
2. The terrorist Sandhavi’s deeds
3. Interviews of stock broker’s wives about their husband not having sex because of global meltdown
4. Peter Andre his wife and their family planning

I have seen people around discussing about new president and how will his relationship be with India. What I feel whoever would have come would have had same relationship. The world is flat. And I would want to take away praises from Obama. I know what he has achieved is great. When you listen to this man what you get is a positive feeling and energy. With George Bush around for 8 years most of the time what we felt was dullness. But this is a positive Change. But what we forget is that although it is a victory of a person, more importantly it is victory of a philosophy. The Democrats; And as per my small survey on wikipedia democrats have not been in power whenever there has been trouble like The Great Depression or Vietnam War or WTC and Iraq war to name a few. So it could be interesting to see a democrat leader providing leadership through their philosophy is one of the most hurt times. With everything down and under be it the stock market or property or growth etc and with terrorism at its peak what will Obama do will be interesting to see.

Now let’s finish this as soon as possible. I want the real news to come back on the first page and not lagging behind. They form the real crux of Indian News.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blinded by my perception

What we always see around us is it always true? I always ask this question to myself. But never have I got an answer. But there has been situation around me which has made me believe that it can’t be what it looks like. So what is this thing? Well I tried to figure out this and what I can conclude is sometimes or for some people most of the times Our perception just blinds us. But what really shocks me and sometimes saddens me is the level to which people get blinded. Can perception completely blind people to this extent that you cannot distinguish between a person's genuineness or fakeness. Do we have to always show off to tell the world that our feelings or emotions are true? Why do we always have to prove ourself when we know that whatever we do is correct and ethical. To put my feeling in few words I have written these few lines from that person’s frame of mind who is blinded by perception.

all i see is what you show me

all i hear is something that is always near

all i feel everything you have revealed

why isn’t there anything more

other than the things that have appeared before

there is nothing in my vision than I ignore

blinded by my perception is there any cure?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

No X, No Z

WHY do we dream,
and if we do WHY with open eyes.

WHY do we hope,
and if we do WHY expect high.

WHY do we want,
and if we do WHY it never satisfies.

WHY do we laugh,
and if we do WHY with a cry.

WHY there is a lie,
and if there is WHY dont we try.

WHY are we so certain,
but still no reply .

All around us
there are things
Which we think
what it seems
but why dont we realize

There are no X
There are no Z
but only a Y!

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Golden Rule for communication

Sometimes there are certain things in your mind which are so clear and precise. You understand them very well and feel like conveying them to others. Yet the person whom you want to convey just does not sees it. How hopeless you feel at such situation. I am sure this thing happens with many of us at different points with different people. Sometimes the person in question could be the one with whom you share the most comfortable relationship and the best understanding yet you cannot deliver your idea that effectively the way you see it.

Well I know sometimes it becomes very difficult for us humans to communicate with each other. We see the dogs barking around and feel that the communication between them is so effective. But sometimes we feel so useless when we want to convey something to a person whom we really want to see it as we feel but we are so ineffective in doing that and then we start questioning ourself. It might seem so easy but still it doesnt happen the way we want.

When we want to convey something and we are not successful in doing that its not because of our limitation to good communication. Neither is it due to we choicing a less effective way for communication. Well thinking about it I discovered that problem behind this is an "attitude" in us which is quite genuine. It is actually the attitude that the listenner has. If you think about it then you will be able to see that "You can only tell a person what s/he wants to hear". You cannot just "Tell a person what you want him/her to hear". These are two different things.

So to put your point forward either you have to tell the person what s/he wants to hear. But then that will not be what you want to tell the person. So to tell what you want :
1. either wait for the person to be ready to hear it or
2. you have to somehow make the two things i.e "what you want to tell " and "what they want to hear" as one and the same

Well the first thing is pretty simple and does not needs much effort. It requires patience and i believe, knowingly or unknowingly, is the method most of us follow. The second one requires a lot of thinking and understanding. And this I believe if understood could be the golden rule of communication or I should say effective communication.

Making a person believe that what s/he wants to hear is exactly what YOU want to tell!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

My toughest decision

I still remember when we started together
Not knowing where to go
My way or your's
But one things for sure
We both realised
Its gonna be fun with you on my side

But down the lane
A few steps gone
I had a hard look
At the path we were on
As a surprise it came to me
This is not where I'm suppose to be
And so I questioned myself a lot
Do you wanna go ahead or what?

So I made this decision to leave you alone
You may say I am selfish
But I am not wrong
You think I'm doing it
For my very own sake
But believe me when I say
I don't want to make any more mistakes

And today when finally the time's gone
I hope you'll enjoy when I am not around
I will leave you here with wishes filled in my heart
Have a great time ahead on your path
And yes, don't worry
Things have to be fine
As you'll be on your way
And I'll be on mine

Friday, February 22, 2008

Why didn't I, bob?

There was something on my mind
I thought I would say
I was thinking all the time
But coudn't find a way

The words kept on mumbling
But I turned them all away
Not really knowing
What's ahead on my way

As the days passed by
The thoughts began to sway
The words lost their meanings
And feelings they once conveyed

Now the thoughts are broken
And I am in dismay
Tried to jot them down
But they just dont fay

There is something on my mind
I think I will finally say
Yes you are rigth, Bob
I do regret it today

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I hope i get that...I hope we make this...i hope it turns up...i hope it happens...

Well there are many more things we say in our usual life. These are just few examples. But what i wanted to say is that HOPE is one of the most used word in our language. And also the most natural of human emotion. Well i was thinking about what hope really is? Why do we humans rely so much on it? How come it offers us so much comfort? First i would like to list many thoughts that came to my mind when i questioned myself "what hope really is?"

1. Hope is like a book we want to read kept in front of us
2. Hope is like a language we know and we understand
3. Hope is like a song we sing
4. Hope is like a dream we dream
5. Hope is person we want to be

So do these thoughts really tell us what hope is?

Well i can say they do. Because if you really see and understand then HOPE is a BOOK kept in front of us which we want to read but for that we need to know the LANGUAGE it is in because then only we will understand the SONG in it which tells us about one of our DREAM which we want to be true and if that becomes real then we will become the PERSON that we always wanted to be.

So that sums up for me what HOPE really is.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Memory Lane

Walking past down my memory lane
I met same people with new face
The things they said seemed to be real
Yet so different, so insignificant

These talks we had also before
The words are same but the meanings differ
Is the place different or the time?
What is new I cannot find

I have been there before
I know it alright
But every time I go there
I get a new surprise

How can it happen I sometimes wonder?
Are these the same roads I use to wander?
The time that I spent there does come back
But never brings with it, the things I had

How are the roads same?
Yet the distance so long
My journey has started
But the destination has gone

Walking past down my memory lane
I met same people with new face
Where is it leading me I need to find?
To fill the void of my mind