I really don’t understand one phenomenon that is something which is much known to us humans. It is one thing that we love to do. Always without fail. And that’s discrimination. Its something which comes to us as an instinct.
Don’t we love to do that? We have discriminated between humans on basis of anything and everything. Discrimination has been a part of human history. There has been discrimination on basis of caste, creed, religion, race, nationality, earning, boundary, etc, etc, etc. I actually
cannot think of anything on which there has not been any discrimination.
What is this discrimination? What I believe is discrimination is a feeling or a state of mind. But discrimination is also very much like a parasite. It requires something over which it grows. We always need
things over which we can discriminate. I am not trying to reason out discrimination here. It is very difficult to eliminate it. But we can always have control over it. For this control we need to find out certain aspects of discrimination.
What is important is to understand
the thing over which discrimination is done. Discrimination can be done over things which can be of two types. And I feel of only two types. One is on basis of natural things or nature given things and another is on basis man made things. This thing also helps us classify discrimination. So discrimination can be classified in these two categories: Nature given discrimination and man made discrimination. To give a very very few examples:
Nature given:
1.Discrimination based on color of skin. You can be white, black, brown, etc.
2.Discrimination based on physical condition like certain diseases or defects.
3.Discrimination on basis of boundaries that is commonly known as patriotism.
Man made:
1.Discrimination based on religion, caste, creed, etc
2.Discrimination on money
3.Discrimination based on philosophy
People might question this categorization. But this categorization helps us in reasoning things. To give an example of this what I feel is that the nature given discrimination will always be there. It is something over which we have no control. But man made discrimination is something over which we have a little bit control. Take an example of religion. Religion is something thought to a person. It is part of his upbringing. So its useless to discriminate people over religion. If the same person was thought about different religion and in a different way then he would have followed different religion and that discrimination won’t hold true. So what I feel is that we waste our time and our energy discrimination over man made things. Discriminating over nature given things might seem a little logical in comparison. Like discriminating a person over color of skin is a little bit logical. It is something that u cannot take away from someone. If a person is black he is black. If another one is white he is white. But then what’s the use of discriminating over something which we have no control. So what we need to understand is this:
1.Nature given discrimination is useless as we have no control over it. So what’s the use to discriminate over it?
2.Man made discrimination is something which is not permanent. It is something which can be changed or untaught. So what’s the use discriminating over?
In short there is no use of this discrimination at all. But then it will be difficult to remove it completely. I feel that no matter how much ever we teach humanity and its principles it will never go away. Hence we need to control them. For controlling discrimination we need to reason with them. And for this reasoning we need to categorize them.