Sunday, November 8, 2009

Beyond the Secret

Today i will tell you
One very important secret
For all the good and all the bad
We are ourself the culprit
So lets not stop for the past
For the future to come today has to exit
Don't wait for someone to raise the curtain
Cut the threads and release the puppets
All the choices to be happy
Nothin is hidden but served in palate
All you need to do is make your choice
And then make it a habit

There is more to life..Beyond the Secret

Thursday, September 3, 2009


You told me about God
And the concept of pain
And I Believed

You told me about Nutopia
And the county I never imagined
And I Believed

You told me about the Mind
And the games people play
And I Believed

You told me about the Truth
And the way people make it sick
And I Believed

You told me about the Karma
And the instant it gets you
And I Believed

You told me about Peace
And giving it a chance
And I Believed

You told me about the working Heroes
And the agony they control
And I Believed

I Believed it in all
And followed you around

And then one day
I heard from you
“I don’t Believe in Beatles
Yoko I only believe in You"
The reality you said
Is “I Believe in Me
Stuck me hard
And so I agree
From now on
I will change all my Beliefs

I also want to be a Hero
But I won't follow you
From Now on, anymore
I don’t believe in You

Monday, August 31, 2009

Hold on

As days passed by
Things will change
Your magic over me
Will never be the same
I know it's a struggle
That I'll have to face
But getting over it
Is today my aim

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Of all the decisions that were made
Some gone my way and some away
But one thing is common to all
I had a choice to do it or not

Of all the choices that I made
Somewhere or the other I had to trade
Some brought happiness and some fun
And many times everything was left undone

Then I use to think a lot
Regret of all the things that were lost
How different would the things have got?
If only I had the other choice bought

This helped me to relate
Blaming others I need to dissuade
For everything that I paid
Was because of the choice that I made

And so today I sat I thought
What if
For all my actions
If I had never fought
How different would have
Been my life
If I never really had a choice!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I really don’t understand one phenomenon that is something which is much known to us humans. It is one thing that we love to do. Always without fail. And that’s discrimination. Its something which comes to us as an instinct.

Don’t we love to do that? We have discriminated between humans on basis of anything and everything. Discrimination has been a part of human history. There has been discrimination on basis of caste, creed, religion, race, nationality, earning, boundary, etc, etc, etc. I actually cannot think of anything on which there has not been any discrimination.

What is this discrimination? What I believe is discrimination is a feeling or a state of mind. But discrimination is also very much like a parasite. It requires something over which it grows. We always need things over which we can discriminate. I am not trying to reason out discrimination here. It is very difficult to eliminate it. But we can always have control over it. For this control we need to find out certain aspects of discrimination.

What is important is to understand the thing over which discrimination is done. Discrimination can be done over things which can be of two types. And I feel of only two types. One is on basis of natural things or nature given things and another is on basis man made things. This thing also helps us classify discrimination. So discrimination can be classified in these two categories: Nature given discrimination and man made discrimination. To give a very very few examples:
Nature given:
1.Discrimination based on color of skin. You can be white, black, brown, etc.
2.Discrimination based on physical condition like certain diseases or defects.
3.Discrimination on basis of boundaries that is commonly known as patriotism.
Man made:
1.Discrimination based on religion, caste, creed, etc
2.Discrimination on money
3.Discrimination based on philosophy

People might question this categorization. But this categorization helps us in reasoning things. To give an example of this what I feel is that the nature given discrimination will always be there. It is something over which we have no control. But man made discrimination is something over which we have a little bit control. Take an example of religion. Religion is something thought to a person. It is part of his upbringing. So its useless to discriminate people over religion. If the same person was thought about different religion and in a different way then he would have followed different religion and that discrimination won’t hold true. So what I feel is that we waste our time and our energy discrimination over man made things. Discriminating over nature given things might seem a little logical in comparison. Like discriminating a person over color of skin is a little bit logical. It is something that u cannot take away from someone. If a person is black he is black. If another one is white he is white. But then what’s the use of discriminating over something which we have no control. So what we need to understand is this:
1.Nature given discrimination is useless as we have no control over it. So what’s the use to discriminate over it?
2.Man made discrimination is something which is not permanent. It is something which can be changed or untaught. So what’s the use discriminating over?

In short there is no use of this discrimination at all. But then it will be difficult to remove it completely. I feel that no matter how much ever we teach humanity and its principles it will never go away. Hence we need to control them. For controlling discrimination we need to reason with them. And for this reasoning we need to categorize them.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What Year is it?

Yesterday while reading the newspaper I came across an article about the Samajwadi Party’s manifesto for the general election this year. Well I know that most of the manifestos are bull shit and whatever is written hardly gets implemented. This has been followed religiously by our political system for ages. But after reading certain points of this manifesto I was completely stunned. Stunned is the word that describes my feeling precisely. To share a few points that are present in the manifesto:
1. Ban of English language as a medium for all government institution and activities.
2. Ban of English medium schools in the country.
3. Promotion of Hindi language as a common medium in all of India
4. Ban of usage of Computers in Government offices, companies etc.
5. I don’t remember the point exactly but it said building of X nos of temples, Y nos of mosque, etc

Well the SP party has provided many justifications for all these points. What they feel is that English language and computers are the two main reasons because of which we have a lot of unemployment in India. They feel that since many people cannot talk in English and don’t know to operate computers they don’t get jobs for which they might have qualification and capabilities. So they want to target this. They feel that the solution for this is to remove English language’s use. So they want to first remove its usage in communication in government offices and companies and later in private sector. And they feel that Hindi should be promoted more as a one language for India. Same is their theory with computers. They feel that computers first take away certain jobs for humans. If we remove computers then jobs will be done by humans so that will reduce unemployment. They have pointed out that the current state of the world and all the financial problems can be solved by these measure. And some that cannot be solved needs to be solved spiritually. So they want more temples and mosque in India to get India out of trouble today and in future.

After reading this I could believe what I was reading. How can people today take this crap from anyone. I cannot imagine what would be the psyche of the person who wrote this manifesto and people who support it. I seriously don’t understand how do these people get the balls to put up such a thing. And what is funny is this is not some small party. It is a party who are contesting for 400 odd seats and do have a probability of winning the elections and ruling India for the next 5 years. I seriously don’t find words to express my feelings.

In the end I just want to know one thing. The last time I slept the year was 2009. What year are we living in now?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Looking for the one

why don’t you understand me?
is there anyone who can understand me at all?

Haven’t you heard this many times? Be it from your own mouth or from people around you.
A child telling his parents
A woman asking her man
Or the colleague to his boss

But what is the answer to these questions? Can there be anyone who can understand any person completely? What I believe is that if you at look people then one thing which is quite evident is all are very very different. There are billions and billions of people in this world and it is ever growing but still we cannot find two people around us who are alike. Alike in their thought process. Alike in the way they reason things. Or alike in the way they feel. It is so fascinating that who ever created us, God or not, the Almighty Creator, if I put it like this, is a genius. How can you have so many people and still every one have their unique abilities. Every one is a different SELF. Nature is so magnificent in that sense.

But then with everyone being so different I come back to my original question that can there be anyone who can understand you? And we sure know there are so many people around us. If we even try to understand everyone then I think one lifetime will be very scarce. But then how do we get a feeling with someone that he/she really does understands me a bit. How come we get that closeness?

If we try to think about this closeness with someone then we would realize that the other person does understand us at times but not always. But what is a big difference with him/her is that for us it is very easy or I would say not that not difficult to make our self understandable. This big difference is the one thing that defines our relationship, our closeness. We find ourself close to our friends not because they understand us completely as that is not possible but because it is easy for us to explain our self, explain our point to them.

So in the end I would just like to say that we should not lookout for people who can understand us completely. Believe me this is just not possible. But what matters is we lookout for the one with whom we have that comfort level to explain ourself!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


What will I do with all the possessions?
I came to this world without any
I worked hard slogging each day
Forgetting many things I wanted sometimes
Disapproving all the pleasures
Now I have it all
But one day I will go

What will I do with all the money?
I came to this world without any
I learned how to do things in proper way
What I do best I did my way
Spending at times and saving more
Now I have it all
But one day I will go

What will I do with all the name?
I came to this world without any
I did the right things what everyone expected
Surprising not others but myself
And winning all the way
Now I have it all
But one day I will go

What will I do with all the things?
I don’t know

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My story

There are so many different stories in the world

Some about heroics and some are dumb
Some about love and some are lonesome

Some you listen while some you dump
Some affect you and some make you numb

Some involve you and some are random
Some you enjoy while you loathe some

Of all these stories you want one
That you can call your very own
Will it be made I am not sure of

But there will be a one
Of which
I will be a part of