Saturday, March 28, 2009

Looking for the one

why don’t you understand me?
is there anyone who can understand me at all?

Haven’t you heard this many times? Be it from your own mouth or from people around you.
A child telling his parents
A woman asking her man
Or the colleague to his boss

But what is the answer to these questions? Can there be anyone who can understand any person completely? What I believe is that if you at look people then one thing which is quite evident is all are very very different. There are billions and billions of people in this world and it is ever growing but still we cannot find two people around us who are alike. Alike in their thought process. Alike in the way they reason things. Or alike in the way they feel. It is so fascinating that who ever created us, God or not, the Almighty Creator, if I put it like this, is a genius. How can you have so many people and still every one have their unique abilities. Every one is a different SELF. Nature is so magnificent in that sense.

But then with everyone being so different I come back to my original question that can there be anyone who can understand you? And we sure know there are so many people around us. If we even try to understand everyone then I think one lifetime will be very scarce. But then how do we get a feeling with someone that he/she really does understands me a bit. How come we get that closeness?

If we try to think about this closeness with someone then we would realize that the other person does understand us at times but not always. But what is a big difference with him/her is that for us it is very easy or I would say not that not difficult to make our self understandable. This big difference is the one thing that defines our relationship, our closeness. We find ourself close to our friends not because they understand us completely as that is not possible but because it is easy for us to explain our self, explain our point to them.

So in the end I would just like to say that we should not lookout for people who can understand us completely. Believe me this is just not possible. But what matters is we lookout for the one with whom we have that comfort level to explain ourself!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


What will I do with all the possessions?
I came to this world without any
I worked hard slogging each day
Forgetting many things I wanted sometimes
Disapproving all the pleasures
Now I have it all
But one day I will go

What will I do with all the money?
I came to this world without any
I learned how to do things in proper way
What I do best I did my way
Spending at times and saving more
Now I have it all
But one day I will go

What will I do with all the name?
I came to this world without any
I did the right things what everyone expected
Surprising not others but myself
And winning all the way
Now I have it all
But one day I will go

What will I do with all the things?
I don’t know

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My story

There are so many different stories in the world

Some about heroics and some are dumb
Some about love and some are lonesome

Some you listen while some you dump
Some affect you and some make you numb

Some involve you and some are random
Some you enjoy while you loathe some

Of all these stories you want one
That you can call your very own
Will it be made I am not sure of

But there will be a one
Of which
I will be a part of